California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Lavandula pinnata buchii - Jagged Lavender

Lavandula pinnata buchii grows 2-3 feet tall and up to 4 feet wide. The Jagged Lavender looks better if the spent flowers and stalks are removed. Soft grey and low angle light make the Jagged Lavender spectacular in the late afternoon light. Lavandula pinnata buchii is drought tolerant and requires decent drainage. The Jagged Lavender attracts a variety of butterflies to the garden including the Gray Hairstreak, Fiery Skipper, Mournful Duskywing, Sara Orangetip, and the California Dogface Butterfly. Lavandula pinnata buchii grows well in full sun to high shade, tolerating more shade than might be expected. The foliage of the Jagged Lavender starts to melt in the high twenties and the plants are usually damaged beyond repair at 25° F. The varieties Tenerife and Campo Silver are shown below.

Lavandula pinnata buchii tenerife, Jagged Lavender

Flowers and foliage of Lavandula pinnata buchii Tenerife - Jagged Lavender. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.

Lavandula pinnata buchii Campo Silver

Lavandula pinnata buchii Campo Silver - Jagged Lavender. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.